AgRI Int. brings the best of U.S. manufacturing and agricultural technology, seed varieties, and agricultural know-how to produce the highest quality and quantity of products. A central tenant of our activities is to educate and demonstrate to Algerians how to use precision agriculture, advanced animal husbandry and breeding technologies to improve farm production.
Generally, each farm operation is vertically integrated to include growing rotations of silage, alfalfa, wheat, barely, potatoes and soybeans. Part of the production will be used to produce high-value dry dairy feed. Remaining production will be sold for domestic consumption, exported, or used to supply our own value-added processing activities. Processing includes production of a variety of fortified milk products (cheese, yogurt, powdered milk, and whole milk), soybean meal and oil, potato chips and fries and production of highly-nutritious liquid animal feed and natural and organic fertilizers.
AgRI Int. is your source for the best agricultural experts the United States in hydrology, soil science, plant nutrition, dairy and beef animal production, management, facilities engineering, and operations.
In addition, AgRI Int. has access to educations institutions and has a reputation of developing technology training and technology-transfer programs.