For over 30 years Didion has been involved in agriculture. For over ten years he managed a large production farm in Ohio where he received awards from national organizations for innovative use of technology. Following this, Didion worked in the Executive Office of the President (of the United States) for six years where he was responsible for developing U.S. federal agriculture programs, research, and advanced technology program budgets totaling over $3 billion dollars annually. From 1986-1990 Didion, lived in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and worked for the U.S. Treasury as a diplomat and senior official of the Joint Economic Commission (JECOR). In this capacity, he negotiated and managed agreements between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia on energy, agriculture, and trade issues.
Mr. Didion has advanced agricultural projects in Kenya, Angola, Dubai, Chile, Saudi Arabia Brazil, and Central America. In addition, Mr. Didion created the Organic Price Exchange that is currently used to assist farmers and commodity buyers establish and track the prices of organic fruits and vegetables as well as grains for animal and human consumption.
For over 20 years Didion has held several senior public affairs positions for multi-national companies including Executive Vice President of EnergySolutions, Senior Managing Director, and the Director of the Environmental Practice, Hill & Knowlton; and Senior Vice President, Fleishman-Hillard. Didion has represented a variety of small, medium, and Fortune 100 companies involved in cutting-edge technology in the areas of renewable energy, manufacturing, and agriculture.
On a regular basis, Didion works with elected federal and state policymakers, regulators, scientists, and opinion leaders in the media to secure legislation, change opinions, or advocate new business opportunities involving agriculture.
Below are photos of Dale Didion signing contracts with government head officials and industry leaders to develop agricultural programs for food security.